Noble Bread (Phoenix Arizona)

Noble Bread is a small-scale artisan bakery featuring old-world techniques, a stone hearth, and thoughtfully handcrafted naturally leavened bread. Located at local farmers markets and at our wood-fired deli, Noble Eatery in Phoenix. To learn more about the website management services that were provided to Nobel Bread, read more. 

Website Management

Website Redesign


Web Security


Nobel Bread


Noble Bread is a small-scale artisan bakery featuring old-world techniques, a stone hearth, and thoughtfully handcrafted naturally leavened bread.

Their bread is created only using organic GMO-free flours, water, sea salt, and organic levain starter, which is a culture of wild yeasts used to slowly levain bread. It takes an astonishing 36 hours to make one loaf of Noble Bread. Utilizing whole grains, and ancient grains makes the bread far more complex and biologically active than just plain white bread.

Services used

  • Website Management
  • Website Redesign
  • Optimization
  • Web Security
  • SEO

"Noble Bread allows us to place bread we are proud of on our tables. This bread is made with the highest standards and it really comes through in both flavor and texture. We love knowing where our bread comes from and exactly how it's made."

-Charlene Badman, FnB Restaurant

The Challenge

Noble Bread was having difficulty managing its website as the digital world grew. Because their website’s design and interface were not user-friendly enough, they were having problems attracting organic visitors to their website.

They were searching for someone to assist them in managing and redesigning their website professionally

Furthermore, Noble Bread desired to present its items to visitors and customers to give a positive user experience when exploring all available products. That’s when Bazal Junaid walked in and discussed Noble Bread’s issues and what kind of results they should expect from us.


The primary goal was to manage the ‘Noble Bread website daily by providing regular maintenance, support, and a high degree of security. Aside from website management, we redesigned the website for a better user experience to increase organic traffic in the future.

Business Impact

After defining all the problems and setting goals that had to be achieved regarding website services. We managed the “Nobel Bread” website for three months and successfully generated high-performance results:


Better user Experience


increase in speed and security of website


increase in average user time on-site


increased in Organic Search Traffic


mobile Optimized website

Redefining Bread

Website Management

We’ve managed the website for Noble Bread since Jan 2021. We know what it takes to keep their content secure and optimize the site so that it’s easy for users to find the information they’re looking for.
We helped them improve the site’s security, too—we made sure that all of the sensitive data on their site was encrypted and did daily security scans. Any new content we added with a unique token code.
We’ve been doing this for years and know how to do it right. All the content uploaded on the site must be optimized for faster loading times while maintaining the best graphics quality possible.

Speed, security and SEO Optimization

Speed and security is our preference. Average user only waits  1.2 sec for the website to fully load, and this is the time we try to target. Daily scans and backup of the website made it secure from any attacks. 

Here are the results of on-page SEO for their website:

Website Redesign

As requested, Bazal Junaid redesigned the website. The new design succeeded in improving the incoming users’ experience and engagement. The new design made it easier for consumers to see all available items, and the average user on-site time increased significantly.

Website Speed and Security

After receiving Bazal Junaid’s website management services, Nobel Bread website became stable, and its performance was at its peak.

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