AllWello Juice Profile pic

AllWello Juice

AllWello Juice craft 100% USDA organic, all natural, fair trade certified, non-GMO, NEVER from concentrate, healthy, and sustainably-packaged cold-pressed juices & shots that taste amazing!

Social Media Management

Content Creation

Facebook Advertising

Video & Animations



AllWello is a juice company that specializes in organic and non-GMO fruit juices. It’s a healthy, delicious way to get your vitamins and nutrients, and it tastes great! AllWello’s goal was to increase website visits from their current rate.

To accomplish this, they hired us at to create colorful graphics that would attract more traffic to their social media. In addition to improving the look of their profile, these graphics would also serve as a marketing tool—encouraging organic juice drinkers to buy more of AllWello’s product!

Services used

  • Social media management
  • Content Creation
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Video & Animation

“At AllWello, our values go beyond our children’s and grandchildren’s generations. Our environment needs our commitment now, for generations to come! Our commitment to environmental sustainability translates to using renewable packaging, including recycled glass bottles, reinforcing our promise to sustainability..”

-From our family to yours, enjoy!

Problem Statement

The company had been using a traditional social media design approach—posting content that was mostly copy and some images of their work. But they weren’t seeing any real results in terms of engagement or growth.

Social media is a powerful tool that can help your business grow. Our design team helped AllWello increase their sales by creating a social media campaign that resulted in brand awareness and a boost in follower count.


We knew that if we could get their followers up to speed on their new look, they’d be able to take advantage of their new audience and grow their business. So, we did the same by providing these services:

  • Social Media Management (Facebook, Instagram)
  • Content Creation
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Creating Animations
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Copy Writing

Business Impact

Not only did our partner (AllWello) reach on social media, our end goal was brand awareness and making those followers our loyal customers. These results were achieved by both social media content creation and paid ads. Our campaign also bought organic traffic to their website by improving backlinks and SEO.


increased in social media followers


increased in engagement


increased in Website Traffic


increased in Organic Search Position


increased in Brand Keyword Traffic

Keep It Real

Social Media Design

Our focus was to create colorful and attractive content for social media. When you want to engage your audience, it’s important to make sure that you’re creating content that is modern, easy-to-read, and easy-to-share. Our team of designers helped AllWello create a design that fits the needs of their brand! (A colorful, 100% organic, cold pressed juices)

AllWello Juice Instagram Profile

Instagram content creation is a hot trend. It’s a great way to promote your business, engage with your audience, and build confidence in your brand.

Content Creation

If you’re looking for a new way to reach your followers, the best place to start is with the design of your content. This will help you create posts that are visually appealing, attractive, and easy to read—all while keeping your brand message front and center.


Your illustrations should be able to stand alone, so they don’t need any text around them. This way, they’ll be able to speak for themselves—and they’ll do just that!

Juice add
AllWello Juice Illustration
AllWello Juice

AllWello Juice Typography

Typography is a great way to tell your brand story by directly using words in a well designed manner. Keeping it short! One or two sentences is enough for most people—you don’t want people scrolling past your post before they even realize what it says.



Instagram is a great platform for content marketing. It’s an easy-to-use, visual medium that encourages engagement with users.

But the problem is that most businesses are still creating content for the sake of it, rather than because it has been created to help build brand awareness and increase sales.

We found out that short animations are doing great for this specific brand.

AllWello Juice Product Description

You want to make sure your posts get noticed, so use bright colors and eye-catching designs. You’ll also want to make sure all of your fonts are legible so everyone can see what’s being said!

product Description

Special Occasion Posts

We create content for every festival, public holiday, and special occasion. Here is an example of Halloween banners with three of our flavors.


Facebook Advertising

The company is looking for ways to create brand awareness and get customers to visit its website.

To do this, they turned to Facebook advertising to help them reach people who might not be familiar with cold-pressed juices but are interested in trying them out. They ran Facebook ads on organic content targeting users who fit certain demographics around the ages of 25-50 with disposable income, who listed “cold-pressed” as one of their favorite foods or drinks, and who had recently been at a music festival or concert.

The ads were very successful: Cold Pressed Juices saw an increase in website visits from the targeted demographic by 65%!

Product Description

Cold Pressed Juices has been growing at an incredible rate, but they were still missing a key piece of the puzzle: brand awareness.

They needed to get their name out there and make sure potential customers knew about their delicious juices and Shots.

AllWello Juice Product Ad

Product Reviews

Don’t be afraid of influencers. They have a lot of followers who will love your product or service, and they’ll help spread the word about it.

AllWello Juice Reviews Ad

Product Deals

Advertising great deals on their 6 & 12 pieces pack were really successful in terms of sales. People loved the deal having mixed flavors of juices and shots.

AllWello Juice Gereneral Ad

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