Social Media Advertising

In our Social Media Management services, we analyze your target audience, strategically create original content for your audience, and monitor your online presence across various social media platforms. We make you stand out from your competitors.

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Explore Social Media Advertising Plans


  • One social media platform
  • Up to 4 unique ads
  • Up to 2 advertising campaigns
  • Up to 4 monthly advertising copy tweaks
  • $800 max ad spend


  • Up to 3 social media platforms
  • Up to 8 unique ads
  • Up to 4 advertising campaigns
  • Up to 8 monthly advertising copy tweaks
  • $1650 max ad spend

Drive results with social media marketing services

Almost 75% of people use social media when making a purchase decision.

And social media marketing services have become like oxygen for business survival nowadays, which is why companies invest in professional social media services.

Over the past five years, working with different companies and brands, we have been successful in contributing to their revenue acceleration. We are a trusted choice for more than 200 clients around the world. As your partner, we’ll help your business improve its brand awareness, customer loyalty, revenue, and more.

Looking for custom plans and pricing? Request a proposal to receive yours.

Pricing: Social Media Advertising Services

Every business runs at a different pace and principles. That is why we offer custom social media management services for everyone. Our team can build a plan tailored to your company if you’re looking to market your business on one social media network. Learn more about the details of our social media services, which will help you understand more about our service and justify the cost we are charging.

Number of social networks
Up to 2
Up to 3
Number of unique ads
Up to 4
Up to 6
Up to 8
Number of Advertising Campaigns/Target Audiences
upto 2
upto 3
upto 4
Number of Unique Advertising Content Creation
Dedicated Social Media Marketer
Social Media Remarketing Campaign & Ad
Monthly Advertising Targeting & Copy Tweaks
Demographic Targeting
Keywords, Intent, User Intent Targeting
Custom content creation & Delivery of source files
Mobile Optimized Ads
Monitoring of Social Ad Comments
Up to 1 consultation per Month
Ad account Setup & Optimization
Max Ad spend
$800 per month
$1350 per month
$1650 per month
Ongoing Monthly Campaign Invesment

74% of people use social media when making a purchasing decision.

Make their decision easy with a stellar social media presence. See how your brand can level up by requesting a no-obligation proposal today.

Social Advertising Platforms

With our social media ads, you can target your audience and build brand awareness. We are experts in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube advertising.

Our team of experts will help you get the most out of your social media marketing efforts by creating an effective campaign that reaches the right audience and makes them aware of your business.

All of our services are provided at a competitive price and we offer a range of different packages depending on your needs.

Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is the most popular social media platform for advertising. It is easy to use, and it allows you to spend as little or as much money as you want. You can target your audience based on interests, demographics, and even geography. Facebook advertising gives you access to a large number of advertisers, so if one doesn’t work out, there are plenty more available.

You can target people across all age groups, genders, and interests. You can also choose how long you want a user to see your ad before they click on it (up to 7 days). You can use Facebook’s Custom Audiences feature to create lists of users who fit specific criteria (like being interested in fitness).

Instagram Advertising

Instagram advertising is one of the most effective ways to reach new customers. You can post images with text that will engage your audience and encourage them to click through to your website or purchase a product.

Instagram ads are an excellent way to get people interested in your business, as they are highly visual and have a shorter time-to-impression (TTI).

Instagram is also very easy for anyone with a smartphone or tablet to use, making it an ideal platform for marketing activities like this one!

Twitter Advertising

Twitter is a great place to advertise your business, and you can use it to promote your products and services. Twitter allows you to target users based on their interests, location, time of day, and more. You can even use the “Promoted Tweets” feature to promote tweets for their businesses.

LinkedIn Advertising

Linked In is used by millions of people every month and has over 820 million members worldwide (Source). It is used by professionals like doctors and lawyers, engineers as well as freelancers, and so on. 

Linked In allows users to connect with others who share common interests or work in the same field of expertise; it also helps them find jobs or contacts within their industry! 

As a business owner, if you have customers who use LinkedIn then it would be wise for you to advertise there so that people can find out about your business through them!

Pinterest Advertising

Pinterest is another platform where you can advertise your business or brand in a very unique way without spending too much money on advertising campaigns. 

It’s a great place to find inspiration for new products and ideas, as well as get exposure for your brand or business.

I would highly recommend Bazal Junaid for social media management and content creation. His team is very professional and thorough in the work that they do.

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Our account manager is very fast and efficient. He is also honest about time and if things will work or not work for us.

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Our Process: How do social media management services work?

Are you wondering what it’s like to work with a social media management team like us? Just go with the flow, and you will learn how we work with a client retention rate of 91%.

Our social media advertising process has four steps, Here’s what you can expect during each step of the social media management process.

Give access

If you want to use our social media advertising services for your business, it’s important that you give us access to all of the online accounts that you want to advertise. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. If you don’t do this, there will be no way for us to reach people who may be interested in buying from your business.

Get a custom Strategy

We’ll start by giving you access to our custom strategy that will help you understand what kind of content works best for your business. This custom-made strategy will be formulated by our expert who knows how each platform works and can help guide you through the process of creating an effective ad or campaign that gets noticed by potential customers.

Content creation

Once your strategy is created and decided which platforms will be used to advertise your content.

Then we’ll create content for your ads that will resonate with your target audience and increase engagement on your social media channels.

Get results

Finally, get the results you wanted from the very beginning of your journey with us. We will make sure to get the results that you want and nothing else.

You will get a report based on the outcomes that we generated from the adverting campaign. It will include different metrics indicating the before and after “performance” of your profiles.

Not sure which social media platform to choose?

We specialize in these five platforms due to their popularity among consumers today.
However, our experienced social media professionals study your industry, audience, and goals to select the ideal platforms for your approach.
For example, while for beauty products, a social media strategy may focus on Facebook and Instagram, a hiring firm’s social media strategy may focus on LinkedIn and Twitter.
We provide our recommendations according to your specific business and market.


  1. Sends more website referral traffic than any other social media network.
  2. Geared toward both news and entertainment.
  3. Future outlook places strong emphasis on video content.


  1. Views itself as a news platform as much as a social network.
  2. Retweeting and curation are encouraged.
  3. Well-suited to brands sharing blog posts or promoting website content.


  1. Highly visual network for static images and short videos.
  2. Not optimal for driving blog o website traffic.
  3. Best suited for strong visual brands.


  1. Highly visual that leads itself to strong imagery.
  2. Often used to find inspiration for projects.


  1. Professional network. The content you share should reflect this.
  2. Used heavily for sharing industry articles and general professional content.
  3. Launched LinkedIn Pulse in 2015, a built-in content publishing and distribution platform.

Why Partner with a social media Advertising team?

If you’re researching social media marketing services, as well as agencies, you have plenty of compelling reasons to partner with our social media management and marketing agency.

Get industry-leading expertise

By partnering directly with our team your company gains immediate access to our team of social media experts, so you can leverage their experience and expertise to ensure successful campaigns.

Maximize your in-house resources

It’s time- and cost-prohibitive to develop, launch, and maintain a social media advertisement strategy in-house. Partnering with us will allow you to maximize your in-house resources on more significant tasks, which will help your business grow more, and at the same time, we will manage your social media advertising campaign for you.

Manage your time

Businesses that manage their social media advertising in-house often have a dedicated team member for the task. However, that’s not a feasible or reasonable use of company funds, which is why most internal marketing teams invest their resources into agencies.

Improve your ROI

Whenever a company invests in social media advertising, it’s looking for something in return. Therefore. Partnering with us will help you improve your ROI by helping you optimize your campaigns so they’re more likely to meet their goals.

Social Media Management

Frequently Asked Questions.

Here are some of the questions people have about social media management services. 

If you still have questions, contact us:

Social media marketing is essential for marketing strategies for a few reasons:

  • It helps you to extend your reach to a new audience.
  • It allows you to Strengthen your brand image by targeting the right audience.
  • It helps your brand to maintain customer retention and satisfaction through proper customer service
  • It also helps to create brand awareness which eventually increases business traffic

Social media marketing is different from digital marketing because of its focus.
Digital marketing focuses on marketing via different channels, like search, social, email, and paid.
Social media marketing focuses explicitly on marketing via social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
However, social media marketing is a type of digital marketing.

Some best practices for social media management include:

  • Understand and analyze the target audience for the clients 
  • Plan and implement advertising campaigns
  • Research new social media trends 
  • Strategically create fresh content regularly for the client’s audience
  • Interact with audience and other key stakeholders across different social media profiles 
  • Monitor running campaigns and marketing strategies to identify weaknesses and make improvements. 
  • Develop Monthly audit reports for our client’s review

Social Media Management services involve analyzing your target audience, strategically developing fresh content for your audience, and monitoring your online presence across various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Social media marketing services increase brand exposure, followers, and user interaction on platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn).

Social media advertising services advertise your company on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Social media advertising can target followers, app downloads, website visits, and other goals.

Looking for custom plans and pricing? Request a proposal to recieve yours.